Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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Du Maurier, G. L. P. B. (1876). A patient being advised by a doctor not to drink beer in the morning, he retorts by saying there was no brandy available. London (85 Fleet Street, in the parish of St. Bride), Messrs. Bradbury, Agnew & Co.

Dubrulle, B. (2001). Guide to Belgian beers. [Paris, Nouvelles Editions de l'Universit'e.

Duddington, C. L. (1974). Plain man's guide to beer. London, Pelham.

Duffy, M. (1980). Advertising, taxation and the demand for beer, spirits and wine in the United Kingdom, 1963-1978. Manchester (P.O. Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD), Department of Management Sciences, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.

Dufour, L., A. Beer, et al. (1963). Thermodynamics of Clouds. Translated by M. Smyth and A. Beer. New York & London, Academic Press.

Dumont, F. (1876). Gambrinus, king of lager beer. A diabolical, musical, comical and nonsensical Ethiopian burlesque, etc. New York, Robert M. De Witt.

Dumont, F. and A. B. Sedgwick (1966). Gambrinus, king of lager beer: a diabolical, musical, comical and Ethiopian burlesque. English and American drama of the nineteenth century. American. New York, Dramatic Pub. Co.

Dunn, M. (1979). The Penguin guide to real draught beer. Harmondsworth [etc.], Penguin.

Dunstan, K. (1987). The amber nectar: a celebration of beer and brewing in Australia. Ringwood, Victoria, Viking O'Neil.

Durex Information Service for Sexual, H. (1994). An unprotected penis becoming intoxicated by beer, to show the value of condoms as a protection against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS. Broxbourne, Hertfortshire, Durex Information Service for Sexual Health.

Dusty, S. (1959). Answer to the Pub with no Beer.

Dutton Samuel, W. S. (1849). An Address at the funeral of N. Beers, etc, New Haven [U.S.].

Duyse Prudens, v. and v. Duyse Florimond (1882). Prudens van Duyse's nagelaten gedichten in't licht gegeven door F. van Duyse onder toezicht van Jan van Beers en Emanuel Hiel, Roeslare.

Eagles Warren, P. (2000). Interactions between macromolecules and membranes: their effects on beer quality, Loughborough University of Technology.

Eastty, N. (1853). The Use and Advantages of Beer, shown in its tendency to promote and maintain vigorous Health, [London].

Ebers Georg, M., A. Beer Wilhelm, et al. (1883). Gestalten aus den Romanen v. G. E. Nach Gemälden von L. Alma-Tadema, W. A. Beer, etc, Stuttgart und Leipzig.

Ecockes, W. (1883). Beer duty table, showing. the bulk gallons at each tenth of an inch, of any collecting or fermenting vessel, etc, Great Yarmouth.

Economist Intelligence, U. (1978). A study of the French beer market. London, E.I.U.

Edge Abraham, M. (1886). Beer, Wines, etc.

Edinburgh (1748). A short View of the prejudice arising both to the country and revenue from the imposition on ale and beer granted to the City of Edinburgh and other boroughs in Scotland, etc, Edinburgh.

Edinburgh (1761). Reflections upon the tax of two pennies Scots per pint, on all ale and beer; first granted anno 1693, by the Parliament of Scotland, to the City of Edinburgh, and since continued to Edinburgh, and granted by the British Parliament to many other towns in Scotland, Edinburgh.

Edwards, D. N. (1996). Teaching Collection (Archaeology.

Égert, B. and t. Suomen Pankki. Siirtymätalouksien (2004). Assessing equilibrium exchange rates in CEE acceding countries: can we have DEER with BEER without FEER? a critical survey of the literature. [Helsinki, BOFIT.

Ekins, R. (1985). The wine & beer maker's year. Poole, Blandford.

Ekvall, T. and A. Danish Environmental Protection (1998). Life cycle assessment of packaging systems for beer and soft drinks. Kobenhaven, Danish Environmental Protection Agency.

Elkins, T. (1970). So they brewed their own beer: the history of the northern clubs and Federation Brewery Ltd. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northern Clubs Federation Brewery Ltd.

Elland, W. (1991). Beer supply agreements. London, Butterworths.

Ellis, W. b. (1738). The London and country brewer. London, J. and J. Fox.

Ellis, W. b. (1740). A supplement to the London and country brewer: containing many new ways and improvements. relating to malt-making and brewing. to which is added, his remarks on several late printed receipts for brewing beers and ales. likewise, a curious letter from a physician, discovering some abuses in the brewery. London, Printed for the author, and sold by Mess. J. and J. Fox. [et al.].

Ellis, W. b. (1742). The London and country brewer: containing the whole art of brewing all sorts of malt-liquors, as practised both in town and country, according to observations made by the author in four years travels through the several counties in England: also, the method of preserving liquors in the cask, and directions to be observed in bottling them: in three parts: to which is added a supplement. London, Printed for T. Astley.

Elwall, R. and L. British Architectural (1983). Bricks & beer: English pub architecture, 1830-1939. London, British Architectural Library.

Enari, T.-M. (1999). From beer to molecular biology: the evolution of industrial biotechnology. Nurnberg, Fachverlag Hans Carl.

Energy Technology Support, U., E. Great Britain. Dept. of, et al. (1981). Heat recovery on a keg racking line: demonstration project at Scottish and Newcastle Beer Production Ltd, Holyrood Brewery, Edinburgh, [Harwell?].

England (1695). Reasons most humbly submitted to the wisdom of Parliament, for the taking off the present duty of Excise upon Beer and Ale, and laying the duty upon the original Malt, etc. London, T. Parkhurst.

England (1716). A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise upon beer, ale, and other liquors. With an abridgment of the said statutes. To which is added, a table of allowances for common brewers, &c. London, Robert Vincent & partner Robert Vincent jun.

England (1722). A Collection of all the Statutes now in force, relating to the Excise upon Beer, Ale, and other liquors. With an abridgment of the said Statutes, and a Table of the Rates. To which is added a Table of Allowances for Common Brewers, &c. London, J. Baskett.

England (1742). An Exact Abridgement of all the Acts of Parliament relating to the Excise. Part 1. On beer, ale, brandy, vinegar and other liquors. Cambridge, J. Bentham.

England (1814). Instructions for Officers of Excise, in the Country, concerned in charging the Duty on Beer, London.

England (1816). Instructions for Officers of Excise in the Country, concerned in changing the Duty on Beer, London.

England (1828). Instructions for Officers of Excise concerned in charging the Duty on Beer, London.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005