Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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England (1869). The Wine and Beer House Act, 1869, 32 and 33 Victoria, c. 27, with explanatory notes, etc. Faversham, J. Higham.

England (1872). The Licensing Act 1872. For regulating the sale of Intoxicating Liquors, popularly and simply explained, as applied to Licensed Victuallers, Beer Houses. and Grocers. With the Rules. to be observed under the Act of 35 & 36 Vict. Cap. 94. By a Solicitor and Parliamentary Agent. London, S. Palmer.

England (1960). The Beer-Mat Magazine. Dec. 1960, etc, [London].

England and Wales, P. (1651). Friday 12 December, 1651. Votes of Parliament touching the excize of beer and ale. Thomason Tracts; 246:669.f.16[35]. London, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England.

England and Wales, P. (1659). A Caveat against generall indempnity, or, Reasons why the patentee commissioners and farmers of beer and ale. should not be comprehended in the generall Act of Indempnity and Oblivion. [London? s.n.

England and Wales, P. (1699). An Essay upon excising several branches that have hitherto escaped the duty of the brewing trade to make good the deficiency of the malt-tax and other funds. [S.l, s.n.

England and Wales, P. and P. England and Wales (1643). An ordinance of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning all brewers and makers of beere, ale, cider or perry: for payment of the excise imposed by an ordinance of Parliament before the delivering thereof, upon paine of forfeiture of double the value of the said commodities. London, Printed by Richard Cotes and John Raworth.

England and Wales, S. and P. England and Wales (1660). A grant of certain impositions upon beer, ale, and other liquors: for the encrease of his Majesties revenue during his life. Thomason Tracts; 160:E.1075[24]. [London, Printed by John Bill, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majesty.

England and, W. (1694). Anno regni Gulielmi et Mariæ Regis & Reginæ Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, quinto & sexto. At the Parliament begun at Westminster the twentieth day of March, anno Dom. 1689. London, printed by Charles Bill, and the executrix of Thomas Newcomb, deceas'd, printers to the King and Queens most excellent Majesties.

England and, W. (1986). Resolved by the Parliament, that from and after the 25. day of December, 1651, no beer or ale be exciseable for the future, but such as is brewed by common brewers. Early English books, 1641-1700; 1685:61. [London, s.n.

England and, W. and W. England and (1694). The schedule containing the draught of the charter mentioned in the commission to which it is annexed and where unto the same hath reference. [London, s.n.

England and, W., W. England and, et al. (1694). An abstract of the charter to the governour and company of the Bank of England. [S.l, s.n.

England, J. and M. Bithell (1981). Collecting ginger beers & stouts. Bradford, J. England.

England. Commissioners of, E. and England (1842). Instructions for officers who survey roasters of malt; and dealers in roasted malt: as also brewers of beer for sale who use roasted malt. [London], J. Hartnell.

Enquiry (1830). An Enquiry as to the practicability and policy of reducing the duties on Malt and Beer, and increasing those on British spirits. With suggestions for an equitable adjustment of the Land Tax, London.

Ephemerides (1862). Loftus's Almanack for the wine, beer and spirit trades, 1863, London.

Epsilon, p. and W. B. Carpenter (1853). Is alcohol safe as a medicine? a critique on a review by W. B. Carpenter, M.D., entitled Bitter beer, pale ale, Indian pale ale, and their puffers, in the Scottish Review, London.

Ernst Heinrich, W., J. A. Beer, et al. (1861). Elégie. pour Alto avec accompagnement de Piano. avec une introduction de L. Spohr. (La partie d'alto transcrite par J. A. Beer.), London.

Espejo, R. (1990). Stafford Beers' viable system model. New York; London, Plenum Press.

Espejo, R. and R. Harnden (1989). The viable system model: interpretations and applications of Stafford Beer's VSM. Chichester, Wiley.

Etuk, B. R. and H.-W. University of (1988). Separation of alcohol from beer by liquid membrane technique. Edinburgh, University of Heriot-Watt.

Eureka, p. (1898). British workmen who are beer drinkers, be your own beerhouse keepers, and pocket the profits, Manchester.

Euromonitor, P. L. C. (2003). "Beer in Germany.".

European Brewery Convention, S. (1997). E.B.C. symposium: draught beer, packaging, dispense, Edinburgh, September 1996. Nurnberg, Verlag Hans Carl Getranke-Fachverlag.

European Brewery Convention. Technology and Engineering, F. (1995). Beer pasteurisation: manual of good practice. Nurnberg, Hans Carl.

European Brewery, C. (2002). Beer in plastic bottles, FHC.

Evans, J. (1999). Good bottled beer guide. St. Albans, CAMRA Books.

Evans, J. (2004). The book of beer knowledge: essential wisdom for the discerning drinker. St. Albans, CAMRA Books.

Evans, J. and A. Campaign for Real (1997). The CAMRA beer and pubs quiz book, Jeff Evans. St. Albans, CAMRA.

Evans, J. and A. Campaign for Real (1997). The CAMRA beer and pubs quiz book. St. Albans, CAMRA.

Eyre, R. and B. Great (1737). A collection of all the statues now in force, relating to the excise upon beer, ale, and other liquors: with an abridgment of the said statutes, and a table of the rates upon several liquors, &c. shewing by what acts they are imposed: to which is added, a table of allowances for common brewers, &c. London, Printed by J. Baskett, for J. and R. Tonson.

Eyre, R. and B. Great (1737). A collection of all the statutes now in force, relating to the excise upon beer, ale, and other liquors: with an abridgement of the said statutes, and a table of the rates upon the several liquors, &c. shewing by what acts they are imposed: to which is added, a table of allowances for common brewers, &c. London, Printed by J. Baskett. for J. and R. Tonson.

F, W. and H. Overton (1641). A Treatise of warm beer: wherein is declared by many reasons that beer so qualified is farre more wholesome then that which is drunk cold. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire], Printed by R.D. for Henry Overton.

Fahy, C. (1972). Cooking with beer. London (90 Great Russell St., W.C.1), Elm Tree Books.

Falk, A. Platt, et al. (1869). Atlas of Chittenden Co.; from actual Surveys by and under the direction of F.W. Beers, assisted by G.P. Sanford & others, New York.

Farrar, C. B. (1933). Twenty-five years of mental hygiene: a tribute to Clifford W. Beers. Washington, D.C, American Psychiatric Press.

Fawcett, J. A. (1901). Pure beer, Doncaster.

Feest, C. F. (1983). New wines and beers of native North America.

Fenn, D. and P. Key Note (2000). Premium lagers, beers & ciders: 2000 market report plus. [Hampton], Key Note.

Ferrari, C., J. D. Casana, et al. (1865). Informe presentado al Colegio de Farmaceúticos de Madrid en junta general ordinaria de 22 de mayo de 1865: con motivo de una consulta dirigida a la corporacion por el excmo. sr. Alcalde Corregidor de esta corte, sobre la calidad de dos cervezas procedentes de la fábrica llamada de Santa Bárbara. Madrid, Imprenta de Jose M. Ducazcal.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005