Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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De Schaepdrijver, P. (1980). Staff problems and needs of the Brewing Technology Division of the Southern Beer Unit. Pretoria, Sorghum Ber Unit Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.

Deal, J. (1973). Cooking with beer and cider. Wirral (P.O. Box 1, Wirral, Cheshire L46 0TS), Foremost Press.

Death, J. (1887). The beer of the Bible one of the hitherto unknown leavens of Exodus. (A confirmation of Biblical accuracy.), London.

Death, J. (1889). The Defects of Beer: their causes and remedies. London, James Death.

Delos, G. (1994). Beers of the world. London, Tiger.

Denison, M. (1955). The barley and the stream: the Molson story. [Toronto], McClelland and Stewart.

Denneston, E. (1713). A scheme for advancing and improving the ancient and noble revenue of excise upon beer, ale, and other branches, to the great advantage of Her Majesty and the general good of her subjects: discovering also the frauds, neglects, and abuses of the brewers, inn-keepers, ale-tappers, gaugers, &c. which have occasion'd the scandalous sinking of that revenue: to which are added, two other schemes for the better security of it for the future. London, Printed for Bernard Lintott.

Denneston, E. (1713). A scheme for advancing and improving the ancient and noble revenue of excise upon beer, ale, and other branches, to the great advantage of Her Majesty, etc. London, Bernard Lintott.

Devon Family History, S. (1990). 1851 census surname index. [Plymouth], Devon Family History Society.

Di Gioacchino, D. (1994). Learning to drink beer by mistake. Florence, European University Institute.

Diamantopoulou, K., M. Cameron, et al. (1995). The contribution of beer consumption to drink-driving. Canberra, Federal Office of Road Safety.

Dickinson, B. (1751). A Dissertation on Mr. Hogarth's six prints lately publish'd: viz. Gin-Lane, Beer-Street, and the Four stages of cruelty. Containing I. A genuine narrative of the horrible deeds perpetrated by that fiery dragon, gin. II. Useful observations on wanton and inhuman cruelty, severely satirizing the practice of the common people in sporting with the lives of animals. London, printed for B. Dickinson.

Dimitrov, T. (1968). Nudité et soif de logique. Poèmes. (Illustrations de Stéphane Beer.), Geneve.

Dineley, M. (2004). Barley, malt and ale in the Neolithic. Oxford, Hedges.

Direction, P. O. D. D. a. A. (1999). Brand identity: McKay Beer. [England? POD Design and Art Direction.

Directions (1869). Directions to be followed in determining the original gravities of beers, London.

Dixon, J. (1974). Tom Caxton recipe book: new ways with true brew beers. [Wirral] ([P.O. Box 1, Wirral, Cheshire L46 0TS]), Foremost Press Ltd.

Dobson, S. and D. Irwin (1971). Geordie on the beer. Newcastle upon Tyne, Graham.

Dollar, G. and H. Price (1897). Beer-markers. London, Geo. Newnes Ltd.

Dolphin, R. (1977). The international book of beer can collecting. London [etc.], Hamlyn.

Donnelly, P. and C. Harting Old (2000). Benefits and beer. Petersfield, Harting Old Club.

Dorn Joannes Albertus, B. and F. Beer Eduardus Fridericus (1825). De Psalterio Æthiopico commentatis, quam. publice defendet J. A. B. D.; assumpto socio E. F. F. Beer, Lipsiae.

Dorn, B. A., E. F. F. Beer, et al. (1825). De Psalterio Aethiopico commentatio. Quam dissertationis loco amplissimi philosophorum ordinis auctoritate pro venia legendi et docendi linguas et litteras orientales illustris ictorum ordinis permissu in auditorio iuridico die IV. Maii A. MDCCCXXV. Publice defendet Ioannes Albertus Bernardus Dorn. philosophiae doctor et LL. AA. MAG. Assumpto socio Eduardo Frider. Ferdinando Beer. Lipsiae, Litteris Breitkipfio-Haertelianis.

Dougharty, J. (1727). The general gauger: or, The principles and practice of gauging beer, wine, and malt. The fourth edition, corrected by the author. London, James & John Knapton.

Dougharty, J. (1737). The general gauger, or, The principles and practice of gauging beer, wine, and malt: containing. to which is added, an appendix for measuring. London, Printed for J. and P. Knapton.

Dougharty, J. (1750). The general gauger, or, The principles and practice of gauging beer, wine, and malt. The whole laid down more methodically than any performance of this nature yet extant. London, Printed for J. and P. Knapton.

Dougharty, J. and K. John and Paul (1737). The general gauger: or, the principles and practice of gauging beer, wine, and malt. London, printed for John and Paul Knapton.

Down, W. H. (1995). About brewing technology. Cambridge, Hobsons.

Down, W. H. (1995). Finding out. about brewing technology: a resource book for GCSE science and technology. [Cambridge], Hobsons.

Down, W. H. and A. Brewers and Licensed Retailers (1995). Finding out- about brewing technology. Cambridge, Hobsons in conjunction with Brewers and Licensed Retailers Association.

Doyle, J., T. MacLean, et al. (1835). The half-way house. HB sketches; 410. [London], Published by T. McLean, 26 Haymarket.

Drewer, P. and L. Key Note (2004). Premium lagers, beers & ciders. Hampton, Key Note.

Drewer, P. and P. Key Note (2004). Market report 2004: breweries & the beer market. Hampton, Middlesex, Key Note Publications.

Drewer, P. and P. Key Note (2004). Market report 2004: premium lagers, beers & ciders. Hampton, Middlesex, Key Note Ltd.

Drewer, P. and P. Key Note (2005). Breweries & the beer market. Hampton, Key Note.

Drewer, P. and P. Key Note (2005). Market report 2005: breweries & the beer market. Hampton, Middlesex, Key Note Ltd.

Drillsma, B., C. Great Britain. Millennium, et al. (2000). The Royal Society & British Association Millennium Awards: building community partnerships through science, engineering and technology: science on a beer mat and other stories. [London], [Millennium Commission].

Drinker (1934). A Book about Beer. By a Drinker. London, Jonathan Cape.

drinker, A. (1934). A book about beer. London, J. Cape.

Drinks, H. P. B. (1990). Cider and beer - soft drinks, Hereford.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005