Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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Strachan, L. (2000). Great beers of the world: and how to brew them at home. East Roseville, NSW, Simon & Schuster, Australia.

Strapatsakis, D. (1993). A quantitative study upon the demand for beer and wine consumption in the UK.

Straus, O., A. Paulik, et al. (1931). Der Bauerngeneral. Operette in 3 Akten von Julius Brammer und Gustav Beer. Vollständiger Klavierauszug mit Text. (Klavierparticell.) . Leipzig, Wien, W. Karczag.

Studies (1884). Studies of the Bar; or, Beer, Bungs, and Bruisers. By the Aldgate Pump. Manchester, J. Heywood.

Sturgeon, C. (1830). The New Beer Bill; 1 William iv. c. 64, with extracts from the Acts against adulterating beer, the method of enforcing penalties. With notes and an index. By C. S. London, R. Pheney.

Symons, J. (1770). An index to the excise laws: or, an abridgement of all the statutes now in force relating to the excise. Digested under the following heads, beer and ale, cambricks and lawns, candles. By Jelinger Symons. London, printed for the author.

Sympathy (1880). Sympathy. A question for the times. Why do I drink water, instead of beer or wine?. London, J. F. Shaw & Co.

T, M. A. L. and A. Free-Mash-Tun and Pure Beer (1886). What is beer?. London, The Free Mash-Tun and Pure Beer Association.

T. M. A, L. and Beer (1886). What is Beer? By M. A. L. T. London, Free Mash-Tun and Pure Beer Association.

Tai-Wong, S. M. and O. University of (2002). Origin and genetic manipulation of brewing lager yeast. Oxford, University of Oxford.

Tarbuck, M. (2003). Let's hang on: mudhuts, bets and beers on the road to Division One with Wigan Athletic. Edinburgh, Mainstream.

Taylor, A. (1998). Northern France: good beer guide. St. Albans, CAMRA Books.

Taylor, G. T. (1850). Laws and regulations relating to innkeepers, &c., including the new law respecting transfers of licences, and extracts from twenty-six acts of parliament. Also laws and regulations relating to beer retailers, containing abstracts of all the acts of parliament regulating those traders. With copious index. London, Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.

Taylor, M. and S. University of (2002). Investigations into the fouling by beer solids on crossflow microfiltration membranes.

Tegetthoff Wilhelm, v. and A. Beer (1882). Aus W. von Tegetthoff's Nachlass. Herausgegeben von A. Beer, Wien.

Teniers, D. t. y. (1831). Two Dutch topers clasping a beer jug and smoking. [London] (4, Great Surrey Street, Blackfriars Road), J. Hawkings, printseller & c.

Thatcher, F. (1900). Pitching Yeast: how to preserve it in a state of purity and vigour: also how to improve the beers fermented by it. Uxbridge, Lucy & Birch.

Thausing Julius, E. (1882). The Theory and Practice of the Preparation of Malt and the Fabrication of Beer. [S.l.], Henry Carey Baird & Co.

Thausing, J. E., A. H. Bauer, et al. (1882). The Theory and practice of the preparation of Malt and the fabrication of Beer, with especial reference to the Vienna process of brewing. Translated from the German, by W. T. Brannt. edited. by A. Schwarz. and Dr. A. H. Bauer. Illustrated, etc. Philadelphia, H. Carey Baird & Co.; London: Sampson Low.

Thausing, J. E., A. H. Bauer, et al. (1882). The theory and practice of the preparation of malt and the fabrication of beer: with especial reference to the Vienna process of brewing. Philadelphia, H. C. Baird & co.; London: Sampson, Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington.

The Brewers, S. (1989). Report of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission on the supply of beer: a critique, The Brewers Society.

The Times, L. (1960). Beer in Britain, London.

Thomas, B. (1974). Substitutability in the beer/spirits market.

Thomas, D. (2003). It's Burnley not Barcelona: the search for champagne with beer money. Manchester, Parrs Wood.

Thomassen Joanne, K. (2001). An investigation into the fouling mechanism of a model beer during crossflow microfiltration, University of Surrey.

Thompson, E. (1882). The Figures of Hell, or the Temples of Bacchus. Dedicated to the Licensers and Manufacturers of Beer and Whiskey. New York, Oahspe Publishing Association.

Thompson, N. and B. Campaign for Real Ale Norwich and Norfolk (1978). Real beer in Norfolk. [Norwich], [Norwich and Norfolk Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale].

Thorpe, S. K. (1931). Past and prospective changes in barley supplies: barley trade of the Biblical and early times, [S.l.].

Threale, T. (1802). The complete family-brewer, or, The best method of brewing or making any quantity of good strong ale & small-beer. to which is added, an appendix, containing the art of brewing porter, and making British wines. London, Printed for M. Jones by J.H. Hart.

Thurston, C. S. (1891). Beer gravity tables and ready reckoner. Ipswich, by the author.

Tiltscher, R., Jordan, et al. (1982). The British beers, wines and spirits industry. London, Jordan & Sons (Surveys) Ltd.

Timm, W. A., L. Brown, et al. (1939). Roll out the Barrel: Beer Barrel Polka.

Tingle, M. (1996). The prehistoric exploitation of flint at Beer Head, University of Reading.

Tizard, W. L. (1857). The theory and practice of brewing illustrated. London, Sold by the author.

Tizard, W. L. (1857). The theory and practice of brewing: illustrated: containing the chemistry, history, and right application of all brewing ingredients and products: a full exposition of the newly discovered principles of conversion and extraction in the mash-tun: the philosophy of climate, season and site: critiques on the modus operandi of fermentation, and the effectual prevention of acidity. London, Sold by the Author.

Tobias, C., S. Clare, et al. (1932). Okay Beer: and better times will soon be here.

Tombs, P. (1990). A guide to British brewers: their beers and pubs. London, Sidgwick & Jackson.

Török, L., L. Zsingor, et al. (1962). A népi ellenorzés szervezete és muködése. (Írták: Petravich F., Török Lajos, Zsingor László. Szerkesztette: Béer János.), Budapest.

Trade (1822). A Free Trade in beer, the most effectual remedy for agricultural distress. Third edition, London.

Traditional Beer, F. and B. Caledonian (1991). Traditional beer festival '91. Edinburgh, Media Promotions.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005