Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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Howitt, S. and P. Key Note (1996). Breweries & the beer market: 1996 market report. Hampton, Key Note.

Howitt, S. and P. Key Note (1998). Breweries & the beer market: 1998 market report. Hampton, Key Note.

Hughes, E. (1796). A saving of twenty per cent: A treatise on the brewing of beer, wherein is proved that one bushel of malt will produce a gallon of beer. By E. Hughes. Uxbridge, printed for the author, and sold by T. Lake. Sold also by E. Newbery, London.

Hughes, E. (1796). A saving of twenty per cent: a treatise on the brewing of beer, wherein is proved that one bushel of malt will produce a gallon of beer. Uxbridge, printed for the author, and sold by T. Lake. Sold also by E. Newbery, London, and all booksellers in town or country.

Hughes, E. (1796). A treatise on the brewing of beer, wherein is proved that one bushel of malt will produce a gallon of beer more than another bushel of an equal strength, etc. (A saving of twenty per cent.). Uxbridge, the Author.

Hughes, E. (1798). A saving of twenty per cent: A treatise on the brewing of beer, & porter, wherein is proved that one bushel of malt will produce a gallon of beer. By E. Hughes. Uxbridge, printed for the author, and sold by T. Lake. Sold also by E. Newbery, London, and all booksellers in town or country.

Hughes, E. (1798). A treatise on the brewing of beer, & porter. Uxbridge; London, For the author, and sold by T. Lake: Sold also by E. Newbery.

Hughes, E. (1798). A treatise on the brewing of Beer, and Porter. Fourth edition, with an appendix, etc. Uxbridge, Printed for the Author.

Hull, W. and K. Robins (1923). Lager beer.

Hulton, H. F. E. and C. Royal Institute of (1934). Beer, London.

Human Anna, C. and R. Zimnik (1965). Die beer op die motorfiets. Vertaler A. C. Human. Human & Rousseau, Kaapstad & Pretoria.

Humboldt Carl Wilhelm, v. and R. Haym (1890). Briefe. an G. H. L. Nicolovius. Herausgegeben von R. Haym. Mit zwei Anhängen. (I. Jugendbriefe Humboldts an seinen Freund Beer. II Acht Briefe Humboldts aus den Jahren 1809 und 1810.).

Huntington, E. S. S. (1923). Beer and wine.

Hurst, J., D. Tong, et al. (1988). Beer in Bolton. Bolton, Bolton CAMRA.

Husbandman (1710). The Husbandman's jewel, directing how to improve land. to brew ale and beer. to which are added, the arts of angling, hawking, etc, London.

Ikoma, T. (1990). Very high speed integrated circuits: gallium arsenide LSI. Boston, Mass, Academic Press.

Illingworth, L. G. (1940). Beer is best.

Illingworth, L. G. (1941). Hitler's war map: According to his map we're strolling along Victory Street now, just outside the beer house.

Independent Order of, R. (1938). Beer - Britain's blight, etc, Manchester.

Information, M. B. A. M. (1990). Beer dispensing equipment 1990, Wigan.

Ingram, A. (1992). Whitbread: 250 years of brewery transport. Wellington, Somerset, Roundoak Publishing.

Inhabitant of, M. (1838). A letter to Her Majesty's ministers on the operation and repeal of the new beer act. Manchester (Greater Manchester), Clarke and Co., printers.

Institute of Brewing. Analysis, C. (1997). Institute of Brewing methods of analysis. London, The Institute of Brewing.

Instructions (1895). General Instructions on the Handling of Pilsener or Lager Beer, etc. London, St. Pauli Breweries Co.

Instructions (1896). General Instructions on the Handling of Pilsener or Lager Beer. Second edition. London, St. Pauli Breweries Co.

International Publishing, C. and D. International Publishing Corporation. Marketing Research and Services (1977). The UK beer market. London ([82 Piccadilly, W1A 1EJ]), IPC Marketing Research and Services Department.

International Tin, R. and C. Development (1936). Information Circular, London.

Irwin, D. and F. Graham (1980). The Geordie book of beer. Newcastle upon Tyne, Frank Graham.

Isidore Saint, A. o. S. and R. Beer (1909). Isidori Etymologiae. Codex Toletanus (nunc Matritensis) 15, 8 phototypice editus. Prefatus est Rudolphus Beer.

J, B. (1864). Practical receipts for home-made wines, beers, vinegars, brandies, punch, &c, Birmingham.

Jack, F. B. (1927). One hundred home-brewed wines: including cordials, beers and syrups, London.

Jackson, M. (1977). The world guide to beer. London, Mitchell Beazley.

Jackson, M. (1988). New world guide to beer. London, Bloomsbury.

Jackson, M. (1988). The new world guide to beer. Philadelphia, Pa., Running Press.

Jackson, M. (1991). Michael Jackson's pocket beer book. London, Mitchell Beazley.

Jackson, M. (1997). Michael Jackson's beer companion. London, Mitchell Beazley.

Jackson, M. (1998). Beer. London, Dorling Kindersley.

Jackson, M. (1998). Michael Jackson's little book of beer. Philadelphia; London, Running Press.

Jackson, M. (1998). The great beers of Belgium. London, Prion.

Jackson, M. (2000). Great beer guide. London, Dorling Kindersley.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005