Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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Harnden, R. and A. Leonard (1994). How many grapes went into the wine: Stafford Beer on the art and science of holistic management. Chichester, Wiley.

Harney (1877). County Atlas of Bedford. From. Surveys. under the superintendence of F. W. Beers, New York.

Harper, D. R. (1981). The microbial contamination of beer dispense systems. Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Harris, D. and I. Brown (1953). Word for word: an encyclopaedia of beer.

Harrison, J. and C. Durden Park Beer (1991). Old British beers and how to make them, Durden Park Beer Circle.

Harrison, M. (1953). Beer cookery: 101 traditional recipes. [London], [N. Spearman].

Harrison, M. (1954). Beer Cookery. 101 traditional recipes, etc. London, 1953, Neville Spearman; John Calder.

Harrison, M. N. (1953). Beer cookery. Traditional recipes, etc, London.

Hartley, A. (1906). The bottling of English beers. London, "The Brewing Trade Review".

Hartman, L. F. and A. L. Oppenheim (1950). On beer and brewing techniques in ancient Mesopotamia: according to the 23rd tablet of the series HAR.r a = hubullu. Baltimore, Md., American Oriental Society.

Hartman, L. F. and L. Oppenheim (1950). On beer and brewing techniques in ancient Mesopotamia: according to the XXIIIrd tablet of the series HAR.r a = hubullu. Baltimore, American Oriental Society.

Haukeli, A. D., S. Lie, et al. (1996). Metabolic changes during beer fermentation: a survey. Berlin, Brewing Science Group.

Hawkins, R. N. P. and B. City Museum and Art Gallery (1978). Guide list of public houses and beer shops and their proprietors featured on metallic checks issued within 1830-1910 in Birmingham and Smethwick. Birmingham (Publications Unit, Chamberlain Sq., Birmingham B3 3DH), Birmingham Museums and Art Gallery.

Haydon, P. (2001). Beer and Britannia: an inebriated history of Britain. Stroud, Sutton.

Haydon, P. (2005). An inebriated history of Britain. Stroud, Sutton.

Hayman, E. N. (1819). A practical treatise to render the art of brewing more easy: wherein is exemplified the method of brewing the several sorts of malt liquor most generally esteemed. inculcating the use of the saccharometer in their production., also, particular directions for the general management of the brewery, with tables of the net excise duties on strong and table beer. The whole rendered familiar for the public or private brewer. London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown.

Haynes John, B. (1865). How to supply the Agricultural labourer with Good Beer at a low price, involving an Argument for the Repeal or Reduction of the Malt Tax, Evesham.

Haynes, J. B., W. Smith, et al. (1865). How to supply the agricultural labourer with good beer at a low price. Evesham, W. & H. Smith; London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co.

Hellman Robert, J. (1990). Berlin - the Red Room and white beer: the "Free" Hegelian radicals in the 1840s. Washington, D.C., Three Continents Press.

Hellman, R. J. (1990). Berlin: the red room and white beer: the "free" Hegelian radicals in the 1840s. Washington, D.C, Three Continents Press.

Henderson, R. (1817). An Inquiry into the nature and object of the several laws for restraining and regulating the retail sale of Ale, Beer, Wines and Spirits. with. an appendix of cases illustrative of individual calamity. suffered under the existing mode of granting and withholding licences. in a letter to the Hon. H. G. Bennett, London.

Henderson, R. and H. G. Bennet (1817). An inquiry into the nature and object of the several laws for restraining and regulating the retail sale of ale, beer, wines, and spirits: in which some to the causes productive of low or ill-governed alehouses are traced. in a letter to the Hon. Henry Grey Bennett. London, G. Davidson.

Hepworth, N. J. and L. University of (2003). Characterisation of gas-liquid dispersions for beer analogues. London, University of London.

Herman, R. (1993). The incredibly biased beer guide. Wilmslow, Sigma Leisure.

Heywood, J. and p. Aldgate Pump (1884). Studies of the bar: or beer, bungs, and bruisers. London, Manchester, John Heywood.

Hickey, A. (1986). Europe on 10 litres a day: a traveller's guide to beers & bars. London, Ward Lock.

Hill, K. (1971). Beer for beginners. London, Mills and Boon.

Hitchcock, T. P. o. b. a. m. (1842). A practical treatise on brewing: showing the cause and prevention of acidity in malt liquors. London, printed by R. Boyd.

Ho Kenneth, K.-Y. and J. B. McBride (1977). Where to buy wines, spirits & beers in Hong Kong. [Hong Kong], M. Brierley.

Hobhouse, L. T. (1928). Social evolution and political theory. New York, Columbia University Press.

Hogarth, W. (1751). A busy street corner with traders stopping for a tankard of beer and an artist painting a pub sign. [S.l., s.n.].

Hogarth, W. and M. Alexander (1949). Hogarth's progress. A Harlot's progress; The Rake's progress; The four stages of cruelty; Beer Street; Gin Lane; Industry and idleness; Marriage-a-la-mode, London.

Holtzmann Heinrich, J., F. Kautzsch Emil, et al. (1903). Kurzes Bibelwörterbuch. Unter Mitarbeit von. G. Beer. H. J. Holtzmann. E. Kautzsch. C. Siegfried. A. Socin. A. Wiedemann. H. Zimmern. herausgegeben von D. H. Guthe. Mit. 2 Karten und 215 Abbildungen im Text, Tubingen & Leipzig.

Home-Made, W. (1937). Home-Made Wines, Beers, Liqueurs, Cordials, Cups and Cocktails. London & Melbourne, Ward, Lock & Co.

Hornsey, I. S. and C. Royal Society of (1999). Brewing. Cambridge, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Hornsey, I. S. and C. Royal Society of (2003). A history of beer and brewing. Cambridge, Royal Society of Chemistry.

Hough, J. S. and B. University of (1969). Seventy years' progress in malting and brewing: an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Birmingham on (sic). Birmingham, University of Birmingham Publications Officer.

Howard, A. J. (2000). William Ernest Beer.

Howard, J. and P. Key Note (2001). Breweries & the beer market: 2001 market report. Hampton, Middlesex, Key Note Publications.

Howitt, S. and P. Key Note (1995). Breweries & the beer market: 1995 market report. Hampton, Key Note Publications.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005