Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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Carlson, A. J., N. Kleitman, et al. (1934). Studies on the possible intoxicating action of 3.2 per cent beer. Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago press.

Carpenter William, B. and p. Epsilon (1853). Is Alcohol safe as a medicine? A critique on a review by W. B. Carpenter, entitled "Bitter Beer, Pale Ale, Indian Pale Ale, and their Puffers, in the "Scottish Review." By Epsilon, London.

Carson, J. (1999). Beer and bagels for breakfast. London, Fusion.

Cartoon Bank, I. (1994). Now that you can walk, go get me a beer: a book for dads. New York; London, Simon & Schuster.

Caryll, I. (1907). A Glass of Beer. Song, etc. London, etc, Chappell & Co.

Caryll, I. (1908). The Girl who pours you out a Glass of Beer. Song, etc. London, etc, Chappell & Co.

Cassel, G. (1928). Post-war monetary stabilization. New York, Columbia University Press.

Casson, D. (1984). Draught beer dispense lines: a biochemical, microbiological and physical study. Birmingham, University of Birmingham.

Central Hop Duty Repeal, A. (1861). Debate in the House of Commons on 5th March, 1861, on the motion for the repeal of the hop duties. London, Central Hop Duty Repeal Association.

Chambers, R. and Vestiges (1846). An expository outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation". With a notice of the author's "Explanation." Originally printed in a Supplement of the Atlas Newspaper, etc, London.

Chambers, R. and Vestiges (1846). Remarks upon a recent work. entitled The Natural History of the Vestiges of Creation, Philadelphia.

Chambers, R., C. Vogt, et al. (1851). Natürliche Geschichte der Schöpfung des Weltalls, der Erde und der auf ihr befindlichen Organismen, begründet auf die durch die Wissenschaft errungenen Thatsachen. Aus dem Englischen nach der sechsten Auflage, von C. Vogt. Mit 134. Holzschnitten. Aus dem Englischen nach der sechsten Auflage, von C. Vogt. Mit 134. Holzschnitten, Braunschweig.

Chambers, W. (1831). Chapel Royal - History of the burgh debt-ale and beer duty. An exposure of the public abuses connected with the ecclesiastical and civic arrangements of the City of Edinburgh. No. II. - To be continued occasionally, etc. Edinburgh, W. Chambers.

Chapman, T. W.-c. a. C. (1780). The cyder-maker's instructor, sweet-maker's assistant, and victualler's and housekeeper's director.: In three parts. Part I. Directs the grower to make his cyder in the manner foreign wines are made. Part. II. Instructs the trader or housekeeper to make raisin-wines. Part. III. Directs the brewer to fine his beer and ale in a short time. All actually deduced from the author's experience, London.

Chapple, A. J. (1987). Beer in time and tide. [Seaton, A. J. Chapple].

Chapple, A. J. (1988). Beer in picture and verse. Seaton, A.J. Chapple.

Chapple, A. J. (1991). Beer in smuggling times. [Seaton], A.J.Chapple.

Chapple, A. J. (1995). Walk Beer with me. Seaton, Arthur James Chapple.

Chesterton Gilbert, K. and W. Cobbett (1823). Cottage Economy; containing information relative to the brewing of beer, making of bread, keeping of cows, pigs, bees, ewes, goats, poultry, etc. London, J. M. Cobbett.

Child, S. (1790). Every man his own brewer: a small treatise explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer. London, S. Child.

Child, S. (1790). Every man his own brewer: a small treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer, recommending. every man's brewing his own. London, printed, for the author; and sold by, H. D. Symonds; J. Ridgeway; J. Smith.

Child, S. (1794). Every man his own brewer: A small treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny, and table-beer. By Samuel Child, brewer. London, sold by J. Ridgeway; H. D. Symonds; T. Spence; J. Smith.

Child, S. (1798). Every man his own brewer: a practical treatise explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer: recommending and proving the ease and possibility of every man's brewing his own beer, in any quantity, from one peck to a hundred quarters of malt: calculated to expose the deception in brewing and to reduce the expense of a family. London, Printed for J. Ridgway.

Child, S. (1798). Every man his own brewer: a practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, two penny and table-beer; recommending and proving the ease and possibility of every man's brewing his own porter, ale and beer, in any quanitity, from one peck to a hundred quarters of malt; calculated to expose the deception in brewing and to reduce the expenses of families. London, Printed for James Ridgway.

Child, S. (1798). Every man his own brewer: A practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny, and table-beer. By Samuel Child, brewer. London, printed for J. Ridgway.

Child, S. (1798). Every man his own brewer: a practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny, and table-beer. London, printed for J. Ridgway.

Child, S. (1802). Every man his own brewer. A practical treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny, and table beer. 10th ed, carefully rev. London, J. Ridgway.

Child, S., H. D. f. Symonds, et al. (1790). Every man his own brewer: a small treatise, explaining the art and mystery of brewing porter, ale, twopenny and table-beer, recommending and providing the case and possibility, of every man's brewing his own beer, in any quantity from one peck to a hundred quarters of malt. Calculated to expose the deception in brewing, to reduce the expence of a family, and lessen the destructive practice of public house tipling. London, printed, for the author, No. 15, Little Compton-Street, Soho; and sold by, H.D. Symonds, No. 20 Pater-Noster Row; J. Ridgeway, No. 1, York-Street, St. Jame's-Square; J. Smith, No. 1, Portsmouth-Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.

Chilvers, L. and U. Economist Intelligence (1989). Drink in the UK: an analysis of alcoholic drinks: markets and distribution, EIU.

Chilvers, L. and U. Economist Intelligence (1989). Drink in the UK: an analysis of the alcoholic drinks markets and distribution; volume 2; beer, cider, distribution, Economist Intelligence Unit.

Christie, M. and Woods (1927). Catalogue of the collection of modern pictures & drawings of the British and Continental schools, also a few pictures, the property of Mrs. Rachel Beer. which. will be sold by auction by Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods. at their great rooms. on Friday, July 22, 1927. London, Christie, Manson & Woods.

Cicero Marcus, T. and R. Beer (1964). Der Staat. Übersetzt, erläutert und mit einem Essay Zum Verständnis des Werkes' herausgegeben von Rainer Beer, [Reinbek].

Cimber, J. V. d. (1950). A Beer, a Sandwich and You.

Civis, p. (1855). Books V. Beer; or, How to raise the peasant from his present state of degradation. An address to the landlords and tenants of Hampshire and the south-western counties. By Civis. London, Groombridge & Sons.

Civis, P. (1855). Books v. Beer; or, How to raise the peasant from his present state of degradation. An address to the landlords and tenants of Hampshire and the South-Western counties, London.

Clark, H. (1884). Beer Gravity Tables. Heckmondwike, H. Clark.

Clark, H. (1886). "Guaranteed" Beer Gravity Tables. Second edition. Heckmondwike, The Author.

Clark, P. B., R. MacDonald, et al. (1998). Exchange rates and economic fundamentals: a methodological comparison of BEERs and FEERs. [Washington, D.C.], International Monetary Fund, Research Dept.

Clark, P. B., R. MacDonald, et al. (2000). Filtering the BEER: a permanent and transitory decomposition. [Washington, D.C.], International Monetary Fund, Research Department.

Clarke, E. and P. Key Note (2000). Breweries & the beer market: 2000 market report. Hampton, Key Note.

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