Books about Beer

For the beer brewing industry and the general public - Beer Books. Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books
Beer Books

Beer Books

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Key Note, P. (1994). Key Note report. Hampton, Middlesex, Key Note Publications.

Keyworth, T., G. Yarrow, et al. (1994). The effects of regulation in the UK beer market. Oxford, Regulatory Policy Research Centre.

King and, A. (1892). To brewers, innkeepers and others: particulars and conditions of sale of valuable freehold licensed properties comprising a fully-licensed public house and 3 beer houses in the borough of Reading; and 4 beer houses situate at Watlington, Nettlebed, Kingston Blount and Chinnor; also desirable trade premises, with the goodwill of a wine and spirit business, in the borough of Wallingford, comprising the dwelling house with offices and cellars, in the market place, with wine and spirit stores, extending to Wood Street; Messrs. King & Adkin are instructed by Morland & Co., Limited, of the United Breweries, Abingdon, (in consequence of their having decided to relinquish the Wallingford Stores, and supply all their Houses direct from the Brewery), to sell by auction the above-mentioned outlying properties, at the "Queen's" Hotel, Reading, on Wednesday, June 29, 1892, at two for three o'clock in the afternoon. [Abingdon, King & Adkin.

King Frank, A. (1947). Beer has a history. [With plates.]. London, Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications.

King, F. A. (1947). Beer has a history. London, New York, Hutchinson's Scientific and Technicial Publications.

King, G. (1911). A doctor asking a patient's wife if she has taken his temperature; she replies that she used the barometer to take his temperature and that, as he was very dry she gave him some beer, [London].

Kingham, J. (1879). English beer: serio-comic song. London, V. Dobrowolski.

Kirin Biru Kabushiki, K. (1984). Biru to Nihonjin: Meiji Taisho Showa biru fukyushi. Tokyo, Sanseido.

Kistemaker, R. E. and V. T. v. Vilsteren (1994). Beer! The story of Holland's favourite drink. [Amsterdam], Batavian Lion.

Kittel, R. (1905). .Biblia Hebraica adjuvantibus professoribus G. Beer: Pars I. Lipsiae, J. C. Hinrichs.

Kittel, R. (1913). Alttestamentliche Studien Rudolf Kittel zum 60. Geburtstage dargebracht von A. Alt, G. Beer, etc.

Kouwenhoven, J. A. (1961). The beer can by the highway: essays on what's "American" about America. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday & Co.

Kovács, I., J. Beer, et al. (1960). Magyar államjog. Írták: Dr. Beér J. Dr. Kovács István. Dr. Szamel Lajos. Szerkesztette: Dr. Beér János, Budapest.

Kovács, I., J. Beer, et al. (1969). Magyar államjog. Írták: Dr. Beér János. Dr. Kovács István. Dr. Szamel Lajos. Szerkesztette: Dr. Beér János. Harmadik változatlan kiadás. Budapest, Tankonyvkiado.

Kraus, J. W. (1952). William Beer and the New Orleans libraries, 1891-1927. [S.l., s.n.].

Kronlöf, J., F. Technical Research Centre of, et al. (1994). Immobilized yeast in continuous fermentation of beer, Technical Research Centre of Finland.

Kuenneke, E. and K. Pauspertl (1929). Die singende Venus. Operette in 3 Akten von Gustav Beer und Fritz Lunzer. Vollständiger Klavierauszug mit Text. Zum Dirigieren eingerichtet von Karl Pauspertl. Wien, Edition Bristol.

Kunath, B. (1999). Mastering homebrew: the beer maker's bible. London, Apple.

Kuyper, S. (1978). Een kleine jongen en z'n beer. Amsterdam, Bezige Bij.

La Pensée, C. (1996). The craft of house-brewing: how to plant and maintain a hop-garden, making malt and mashing, matching beer to your water supply, setting up your own house- or micro-brewery, how to build an outhouse brewing machine. Beverley, Montag.

La Pens'ee, C. and R. Protz (2003). Stout and porter: the authentic history of two global beer styles: recipes from the past made ready for you. St. Albans, CAMRA.

LaFrance, P. (1995). Beer basics: a quick and easy guide. New York; Chichester, Wiley.

LaFrance, P. (1997). Cooking & eating with beer: 50 chefs, brewmasters and restaurateurs talk about beer and food. New York; Chichester, Wiley.

LaFrance, P. (1998). Cooking and eating with beer: 50 chefs, brewmasters and restaurateurs talk about beer and food. New York; Chichester, Wiley.

Laing, D. and J. Hendra (1977). Beer and brewing. [London], [Macdonald Educational].

Laker, J. A. (1980). Entrepreneurship and the development of the Japanese beer industry, 1872-1937. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms.

Lammas, J. and E. Everard (1710). To the Queen and Parliament. A seasonable remedy to prevent for ever the several frauds that have been lately discovered, relating to the Fleet-Beer, and other provisions, etc, [London?

Lammas, J., E. Everard, et al. (1710). To the Queen and Parliament. A seasonable remedy to prevent for ever the several frauds that have been lately discovered, relating to the Fleet Beer, and other provisions, etc, [London?].

Lamond, J. and D. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. 2nd Standing Committee on European Community (1985). Minutes of proceedings on European Community documents nos. 10211/82, Draft directive concerning the labelling, presentation and advertising of beer, cider and perry, and 9452/83, two draft regulations laying down rules for the description and presentation of wine, grape must and special wines: July 23, 1985. London, HMSO.

Lampe John, F. (1958). By the Beer as brown as a Berry. Music freely arranged by Geoffrey Bush. London, Elkin & Co.

Lancet Analytical Sanitary, C. (1852). Records of the results of microscopical and chemical analyses of the solids and fluids consumed by all classes of the public.

Landau, W. and B. Beer (1861). Rede zur Gedächtnissfeier des Herrn Dr. Phil. B. Beer, Dresden.

Lange, T. and J. Forty (1999). Beer. London, Grange.

Lange, T. and J. Forty (1999). Beers. London, Grange.

Langley, A. and C. Fairclough (1983). Working for a brewery. Hove, Wayland.

Langley, R. and P. Key Note (1997). Premium lagers, beers & ciders: 1997 Key Note plus market report. Hampton, Key Note Publications.

Lau, M., K. Bornholms, et al. (1997). Beer and money. [Bornholm], Bornholms Kunstmuseum.

Laurie Richard, H. (1824). Harbours and Islands in the English Channel.: Falmouth Harbour; Plymouth Sound, &c.; Tor Bay and Dartmouth; Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, &c.; St Austle's Bay; Fowey; Lyme-Regis to Beer Head; Bridport. London, Rich[ar]d Holmes Laurie.

Lawlor Patrick, A. (1965). The froth-blowers' manual. Some confessions, some beer ballads, a dash of history, froth of personalities and an encyclopaedia. Cover design by Margaret Bartlett. Wellington, [The Author].

L-d, S. D.-N. and England (1660). Free-men Inslaved: or, Reasons humbly offered to the Right Honorable, the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, for the taking off the excise upon beer, and ale.

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Last Modified: 9 October 2005